


White is the color of heaven above, 
 Eternal silence, eternal love.
It is the color of good and light,
The color of a dove’s wings in flight.
White is frosting, 
on a birthday cake, 
The smell of vanilla, 
when you bake.
White is the color of angels’ gowns, 
White is the color on the faces of clowns.
White is the sound which many people can’t hear, 
It is the sound which deceives many ears.
White is the taste of creamy morning milk, 
It is the texture of expensive silk.
White falls on the earth, the ground covered in snow, 
it fills the night sky as the moon starts to glow.
It floats through the breeze, dandelions seeds in the air, 
it is the shade of old people’s hair.
White is the color of wedding dresses and smiles, 
it is the color of walls and tiles.
White shows many things, some people can’t see, 
peace, class, goodness and purity
some people can’t see what in white I do, 
when I look at white, I think of you! Kelly Curiel


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